Need help at school?

We can help

School and college life can vary for different types of young carers.  For some it can be considered a bit of time away from the things going on at home and a chance to hang out with school friends.  But for others, the caring role can be so demanding that they are often late or absent from school on a regular basis.

Theis can create all sorts of challenges for young carers.  It could lead to detentions, incomplete homework and getting into trouble with teachers who don’t really understand what is going on at home for that person.

Some young carers might be so focused on helping the person they care for that they sometimes don’t have time to complete homework or study for exams.  This can lead to falling behind in class or finding it hard to concentrate on tasks because they are worrying about the person they have left at home.

In some cases, a young carer’s peers at school or college aren’t always considerate of the extra work that person is doing at home.  The person might find it difficult to fit in and it can sometimes lead to bullying or feeling alone and misunderstood.

Does any of this sound like you?  Don’t worry.  You are not alone and we can help.


How we can help?

But we want to change that and this is how we plan to do it…

If any of what you have read sounds familiar to you, you can know that you are not alone.  It is our mission to raise awareness of the needs of all types of young carers in the Borough of Barnet.  Whether you’re coping well at school, or finding it tough – there will always be support.


We have a special Young Carers Schools Liaison Officer who works with many schools in Barnet to help train teachers on how to meet the needs of young carers in their school.  This can lead to peer support, finding someone in school to talk to, meeting with other young carers in your school, staff understanding why you might be late or absent and some extra help from your teachers so we can keep on top of your studies and future goals.

If you feel your school needs support like this, then you can contact Becky, our Young Carers Schools Liaison Officer.

And if you are looking for a bit of a “boost” with your studies, then we do our best to try and offer you that extra bit of help.  We deliver term-time Tuesday afternoon Booster Sessions for KS2 and KS4 students and links into local homework clubs such as the Hope Centre and Unitas.

Get in touch to find out more about these extra sessions.