Mentoring Programme - Mentor Feedback to be completed by Mentors Mentoring Feedback - Mentors "*" indicates required fields You are receiving this feedback form because you have recently taken part in our Mentoring Programme with Barnet Young Carers, supporting young carers. Please take a few minutes to complete this short feedback survey on the experience you had with your mentee. Your honest feedback is highly appreciated and will help us improve the quality of the service. Please complete the questions below and where necessary selecting the appropriate option Name of Mentor*-Please select from options-Kate MichaelAndrew Konadu-BoadiJulius MakunaSarah KushimoSuzanne FreemanDeborah MillsMariana A. SereacName of Mentee* The quality of information and training I have received to support me in carrying out the role of mentor has been:* Very high quality High quality Neither high nor low quality Low quality Very low quality Could you explain your reasons for the rating you have given*Before the delivery of mentoring, my sessions have been timely set up and coordinated:* Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Could you explain your reasons for the rating you have given*During the process of supporting young carers through mentoring, I have been well supported by the Barnet Young Carers team:* Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Could you explain your reasons for the rating you have given*I am aware of what the responsibilities and commitments of a young carer mentor are.* A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all My understanding of safeguarding process I should follow if a young carer discloses, or I identify a concern during a mentoring session:* A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Familiarity with the resources I need to use to record observations from sessions and how to use these:* A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all My supervision sessions have been helpful to address gaps, concerns or any challenges I have had through the delivery of mentoring:* Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not so helpful None at all helpful I know who to approach from the Barnet Young Carers Team, if I want to ask or discuss any issue* Yes No Do you feel that you would benefit by receiving specific training?* Yes No Please give details of the training you would like to receiveAre there any resources you feel would benefit your mentoring sessions?* Yes No Please give details of the resources you would like to have availableThis is a new service, and we want to work alongside you to improve it. Please share any comments, ideas or feedback that you have which will help us make things better.